Thursday, June 29, 2006


Luminara UnduliBiographical informationPhysical descriptionChronological and political information


Date of death

19 BBY






1.7 meters

Hair color


Eye color



Rise of the Empire


Jedi, Galactic Republic

"Pure defense is inferior to a combination of defense and offense."
— Luminara Unduli

Luminara Unduli was a Mirialan Jedi Master and a Senior General of the Old Republic during the time of the Clone Wars. Her last Padawan was Barriss Offee.


Luminara had become a Master in the years prior to the Battle of Naboo. Like Offee, her previous Padawans had all been natives of Mirial, as their culture had a requirement that any children given to the Jedi Order were to be trained by Mirialan masters.

Luminara and Offee fought alongside each other on many occasions. On Ansion, with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, they foiled a plot by the Commerce Guild to force a secession of a vital world. Luminara and Barris were later part of the strike force to sent to rescue Obi-Wan and Anakin, and as a result fought in the Battle of Geonosis.

Luminara with Gumbaeki in the jungles of Kashyyyk
Luminara with Gumbaeki in the jungles of Kashyyyk

During the Clone Wars, she served as a Senior General; the Sector Army under her command included the 9th Assault Corps. Luminara's last mission alongside her Padawan was at Ilum , where they were able tostop a CIS attempt at destroying the Force Crystals that formed inside the cave. After this, and a similar mission on Drongar, Barriss ascended to the rank of Jedi Knight, and the two rarely crossed paths from then on.

She possessed power that very few Jedi would be able to overcome. She had amazing lightsaber skills, as she was a master of Form III. Not only were her lightsaber skills superb, but she had also trained herself to become so incredibly flexible that she could easily twist to evade almost any attack that she did not block with her green lightsaber. These skills were in tandem with her apprentice, Offee, who had long studied at her side.

Her lower lip was stained a permanent purplish-black, and a series of interlocking black diamond-shaped tattoos covered her chin, while more intricate markings covered her knuckle joints. These were Mirialan signs of her dedication to physical discipline. Her eyes were of an intense blue color, a contrast to her olive-colored skin, that gave the Jedi Master a serene, outworldly look.

Luminara is gunned down on Kashyyyk in accordance with Order 66
Luminara is gunned down on Kashyyyk in accordance with Order 66

Luminara was one of several Jedi sent to Kashyyyk following Separatistincursions into the area. Right before the battle of Kashyyyk, she and Jedi master Quinlan Vos were fighting droids, while out-numbered and out-gunned, a senario they would have died in if it wern't for Quinlan's old friend, Vilmarh Grahrk and the young Wookiee Chak. When the battle of Kashyyyk came, she was healing the wounded when the battle was nearing an end. The treacherous Order 66 was transmitted to the clone troopers in her squad and she was gunned down by the troopers under Commander Faie's command.

When the Galactic Empire emerged, official records compiled by Sate Pestage stated that Luminara was executed because she was a conspirator in the plot to overthrow the Republic


DookuBiographical informationPhysical descriptionChronological and political information


Date of birth

102 BBY (67BrS)

Date of death

19 BBY (16:5:19)






1.93 meters

Hair color

Dark brown

Eye color



Rise of the Empire era


Jedi, Galactic Republic, Lost Twenty, Sith, Confederacy of Independent Systems

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Count Dooku of Serenno was a Jedi Master and the Count of Serenno who fell to the dark side of the Force and became Darth Tyranus, the Sith apprentice of Darth Sidious after Darth Maul and before Darth Vader.

Under Sidious's orders, he formed the Separatist movement and was the political leader of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

Jedi (102 BBY32 BBY)
"I've seen your heart, and I know how empty it is. I've seen your anger, and I know how deep it is. I've seen your ambition, and I know how ruthless it is. And all of that will ultimately destroy you… I will never be a Jedi, it's true. But neither will you. You will never be a great Jedi Master."
Lorian Nod
Dooku as a Padawan under Yoda.
Dooku as a Padawan under Yoda.

Born on the planet Serenno, Dooku was once an esteemed Jedi who, like all Jedi of his time, trained under Grand Master Yoda as a youngling until he became a Padawan under Thame Cerulian at the age of thirteen. Cerulian molded Dooku into a powerful Jedi, tapping into the vast potential he sensed in his student. Yoda also took a particular interest in him and had some part in his later training.

Dooku had several friends when younger, including fellow youngling Lorian Nod and alien Senatorial aide Eero Iridian. Both eventually betrayed him, and these experiences made Dooku wary of friendship and attachment. A taunt by Lorian spurred Dooku to first access a Sith holocron.

Dooku became a Jedi Knight in his early twenties, and immediately took Qui-Gon Jinn as his first Padawan. He would later train other Jedi, including Komari Vosa.

During his time as an instructor within the temple, his teachings on methods for conquering arrogance were particularly well received. He was fond of telling his students:

"The acceptance of others is not a guarantee. Like everyone else, a Jedi is accepted or not based on his behavior. The Jedi who believes that he is more important than others only demonstrates that his opinion is to be ignored."
Dooku as a Jedi Knight with his Padawan, Qui-Gon Jinn, and Masters Yoda and Tyvokka.
Dooku as a Jedi Knight with his Padawan, Qui-Gon Jinn, and Masters Yoda and Tyvokka.

Almost ironically, Dooku had his mind set on becoming the greatest Jedi ever.

But not all of Dooku's theories were widely accepted. Controversially, Dooku held that one could draw from both sides of the Force equally—light and dark—to achieve perfect balance. He believed that as long as he was not tempted to one side or another he could stay the course and harness the kind of power needed to change the Galaxy for the better. Unfortunately for Dooku, his own pride, expressed in his goal to be the greatest Jedi ever swayed him closer and closer towards the dark side when attempting to study both sides of the Force.

Dooku's colleagues on the Jedi Council strongly disagreed with these beliefs, which was probably one of the reasons why neither Dooku or any of his students were ever invited to join the august body.

In his later years Dooku came to believe that the true identity of the Chosen One was not the young Anakin Skywalker, but rather a seasoned philosopher of sharp insight, someone with solid character and the intellectual clarity to see the path to galactic enlightenment; someone who possessed the titanic willpower to walk such a path; and, most importantly, had the charisma and leadership to carry others along with him.

Ironically, Dooku fit that personality exactly—at least in his own mind.

Dooku was a political idealist, and was skilled at resolving disputes throughout the Galaxy, such as the Sevarcos Dispute of 52 BBY. He had always held strong opinions on what he saw as the ongoing decline in the Republic, and so it was not unexpected when he chose to leave the Order of his own accord.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

bastila shan

Bastila ShanBiographical informationPhysical descriptionChronological and political information






Hair color


Eye color



Old Republic era


Jedi, Sith Empire, Sith (temporarily)

Bastila was strong, but she was always impatient and headstrong. malak preyed upon her weaknesses."
— jolee Bindo

bastilla was just a child at the age of five and was only 25 when she was taken and devouerd by the dark side because of Malak  and used her battle meditation against the republic was stopped by revan and then used battle meditation against the sith and the republic prevailed malak died the jedi were saved and then bastilla was rewared a medal of honor.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

vandar tokare

Vandar TokareBiographical informationPhysical descriptionChronological and political information
Date of death

3,952 BBY


Unknown tridactyl species



Hair color


Eye color



Old Republic era


Jedi, Galactic Republic

Before the onset of the Mandalorian Wars, Master Vandar taught many pupils, including Zayne Carrick and the Jedi Exile. At one point, Vandar discussed the abilities of the Exile with Master Vrook Lamar. Master Vandar saw the immense potential of the Exile and believed him to be a natural leader who would remain a Jedi, while Master Vrook saw the Exile as weak in the Force and believed he would eventually fall to the dark side.

By 3,964 BBY, Vandar was the head Master of the Dantooine Jedi Enclave. Having faith in fellow Jedi Masters, he refused to believe Zayne Carrick's allegations when the fugitive Padawan told him about the Padawan Massacres of Taris. Instead, he suggested that Zayne himself may have committed the crime and not recalled it correctly.

Master Vandar served the Jedi Order on Dantooine.
Master Vandar served the Jedi Order on Dantooine.

Vandar was believed to have seen a vision of a horrible war, in which the galaxy would be placed in darkness, as revealed by Bastila Shan on Taris. It is not known what exactly he saw, but it was this vision that caused the Jedi Council to not act in the Mandalorian Wars.

It is also believed, at least by some, that the true vision Vandar saw was that of the True Sith returning to Republic space. However, this is just speculation.

Master Vandar participated in the Battle of Rakata Prime, acting as an advisor alongside Admiral Forn Dodonna.

He was presumed killed by Darth Nihilus, as the Sith Lord used his powers to destroy all life on the planet of Katarr during the Jedi Conclave there. However, there was a small chance that the Jedi Master stayed away in hiding like Masters Kavar, Vrook and Zez-Kai Ell after realizing that the Jedi Order was too weak and scattered to fight this new Sith threat.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

darth sion

Before and during Jedi Civil War, Sion was a young promising Sith apprentice.

When the Sith Order on Korriban turned on themselves after Darth Malak's death and Darth Revan's disappearance, Sion was, apparently, one of the Sith Lords that escaped to the Unknown Regions in the galaxy. But it seemed he actually went to Malachor V, where he became apprentice to Darth Traya, Revan's former teacher.

Sion was a uniquely powerful individual, having learned the ways of pain in the Trayus Academy on Malachor. Torturing and killing others enhanced his strength in the Force, and his ability to feed on his own pain and hatred made him immortal. A master with a lightsaber and perhaps the most infamous Sith assassin of the era, Sion is known to be responsible for the death of countless Jedi during the shadow war waged by himself and Lord Nihilus.

While on Korriban, he captured and killed Jedi Master Lonna Vash, was one of the members of the Jedi Council who sent the Jedi Exile into the Outer Rim to serve his sentence. Before her death at Sion's hands, she had this to say about him: "This Sith Lord, Darth Sion, is a perversion of the dark side, the likes of which I have never seen before. Although he was cunning enough to capture me, he seems like a volatile brute, and should be easily coerced." She couldn't have been more wrong, as Darth Sion cut her down easily.

He would later duel with the Exile on Korriban, and defeat him, but the Exile would escape.

Darth Sion, along with fellow Sith Lord Darth Nihilus, was a former apprentice of Traya, before he and Nihilus cast her out of the Sith Order and stripped her of her powers. He sought not only the destruction of all Jedi, but he also hated his former master, and hoped to destroy everything that she held dear. In 3,951 BBY, he was defeated by the Exile who had served Darth Revan during the Mandalorian Wars in the Trayus Core, the heart of the Trayus Academy on the ancient Sith world of Malachor V.

Having lived so long knowing nothing but hatred, he was glad to leave that evil place at last. Because of Sion's command of his own pain, lightsaber skills, and preternatural ability to survive through the dark side, the Exile was unable to defeat him hand to hand. Instead, the Exile was forced to use his powers of persuasion to turn Sion against his own beliefs, by eroding his will and convincing him that Darth Traya had no more use for him, and that by giving up the Force he would finally be free from the horrible pain and hatred which he endured. Sion gave in to the Exile's influence, sacrificing his own life to the Force in the heart of the Trayus Academy.

Shortly before his death, Sion showed he was not entirely consumed by hatred, and that perhaps he sought something more than death and destruction. He said bitterly to the Exile, "Like you, Revan touched power and turned away. The chance to heal this fractured galaxy.. and he turned away!"

Like most other Sith Lords whose names begin with Darth, Sion's name suggests another word: scion, meaning heir. In this case, heir to his master, Traya, and the legacy of the Sith. Another word possibility is fusion, due to the nature of his condition.


When Revan was first being trained as a Jedi Padawan, he was found to be very strong in the Force. His close friend Malak was strong in the Force as well, though Revan was undeniably the more powerful of the pair. Revan's first Jedi Master was Kreia, though he learned from several others, including Masters Zhar, Dorak, and Kae. But after learning from these Masters, he came back to learn more from Kreia. After the Jedi Civil War, Kreia was overcome with guilt and confusion about Revan's fall. She journeyed to Malachor V, where she was corrupted by the dark side, becoming Darth Traya.

The Mandalorian Wars

Nearly 4,000 years before the events of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, a warrior race known as the Mandalorians began raiding worlds on the edge of the galaxy. Despite Revan and Malak's belief that the Jedi should help the Republic, the Jedi Order insisted on staying out of the war, feeling that the true threat had not yet revealed itself. Many younger Jedi were unwilling to wait as the Mandalorians assaulted planet after planet, and so Revan and his friend Malak organized a force of rebellious Jedi Knights to assist the Republic in defeating the Mandalorians. Many Jedi felt inspired by the charismatic Revan, and so they joined him. The Mandalorians expected Master Kavar (an established general, and one of Revan's teachers) to lead the battle instead of him. Revan proved to be not only one of the most powerful Jedi in history, but also a master tactician and strategist. He was willing to sacrifice entire planets so as to make the most important ones impenetrable. And despite taking massive casualties (sometimes as many as ten Republic soldiers for every Mandalorian), Revan was consistently able to outmaneuver and overwhelm the enemy both in space and on the ground.

The final battle of the war took place at Malachor V, a cultural taboo to the Mandalorians. Revan sent his least loyal troops to lure the remnants of the Mandalorian fleet there, where a mass shadow generator had been placed. The general overseeing its use was the Jedi Exile, who gave the order to activate it. The result nearly destroyed the planet. Few on either side survived. Around the conclusion of the Mandalorian Wars, Revan fought Mandalore (the Mandalorian leader) in a grueling battle. Revan won, killing Mandalore, and thus struck a crippling blow to the Mandalorian war effort.

At Malachor V, Revan discovered the Trayus Academy, where he was supposedly corrupted by the teachings of the Sith. The planet itself was an ancient storehouse of the Sith; steeped in a darkness so great that it almost destroyed Revan. He was able to survive this darkness only by giving into the dark side of the Force. Taking the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith, he began to corrupt other Jedi easily. Malak, now Darth Malak, grudgingly assumed the title of apprentice.

Alternately, it has been postulated (by his former Master Kreia) that Revan never fell to the dark side, but discovered a threat beyond the borders of the Republic for which the Jedi would be no defense, only the Sith. (Perhaps a foreshadowing of Grand Admiral Thrawn, who used similar tactics nearly 4,000 years later.) This is hinted at in the Sith Academy, when Yuthura Ban tells of the Sith'ari, prophesied to be slave to neither light nor dark side of the Force. That she tells of this prophecy directly to Revan would be incredibly ironic if one were to believe that Revan was the Sith'ari. According to both contexts (and being that they have both similar roles), it is commonly believed that Revan and/or Anakin Skywalker is the Sith'ari.

The Star Forge

Afterhis corruption, Revan took ships beyond the known galaxy in search of an ancient artifact, a megastructure known as the Star Forge. For several years prior to the war, Revan and Malak had been researching artifacts in reference to this powerful Star Forge. They discovered that it was a massive space station with the ability to produce an almost limitless number of ships, accomplished by siphoning matter and energy from a nearby star as well as feeding on the dark side energies imbued within it. Revan and Malak, now beholden to the dark side, created a massive fleet to destroy the Old Republic and the Jedi, reforming the ex-Republic forces who followed them into a militaristic empire.

Bastila and her Jedi confront Darth Revan
Bastila and her Jedi confront Darth Revan

The reinvigorated Sith won battle after battle, until a young Jedi named Bastila Shan entered the fray with her Battle Meditation. This rare and powerful Force ability increased the combat effectiveness of the Old Republic's forces and sapped the will of enemy combatants. Even with this power, however, the Old Republic's forces knew that they could not hold out forever against the Sith. In a desperate attempt to endthe war, the Old Republic set a trap for Revan and Malak, during which Bastila and a team of Jedi boarded Revan's flagship and managed to corner the Dark Lord on the bridge. Thought by many to be the most powerful Sith Lord of all time, it is likely that Revan would have defeated Bastila and the remnants of her Jedi strike force. However, Malak, likely knowing he could not defeat Revan in personal combat, took this opportunity to kill both Revan and Bastila with one swift stroke. He fired upon the flagship from a nearby battle cruiser, but was successful in killing neither his master nor Bastila. Revan, nearly dead, was partly healed by Bastila Shan, creating a Force bond between the two. His mind was reprogrammed by the Jedi Council to hide the Dark Lord's old identity, while enabling the Jedi to use Revan's subconscious memories to locate the Star Forge and destroy it.

Revan was enlisted as a soldier in the Old Republic army and placed under Bastila's command on the Old Republic warship Endar Spire. Malak, thinking his master dead, devoted all his forces to the hunt for Bastila. In orbit over the world of Taris, the Endar Spire was attacked by a Sith fleet and destroyed. Bastila managed to escape to the planet's surface, followed soon after by Revan and fellow Republic soldier Carth Onasi. The Sith blockaded Taris, intent on capturing Bastila. They were unaware that the young female Jedi had already been taken prisoner by a swoop gang called the Black Vulkars, who intended to give her to the winner of an underground swoop racing tournament as a slave. Revan eventually succeeded in rescuing her when he infiltrated and won the tournament. In orbit, Darth Malak, deciding that the search for Bastila was taking too long, gave the order to destroy the entire planet. Positioning themselves in strategic formations, the ships of his fleet unleashed a devastating planetary bombardment that wiped out nearly all life on Taris's surface. Revan, Bastila, and Carth, along with their newfound crew, barely escaped in time aboard the Ebon Hawk, formerly the personal spaceship of the late Taris crime lord Davik Kang.

The Star Forge.
The Star Forge.

Revan and his companions fled to the Jedi stronghold of Dantooine, where Bastila convinced the Jedi academy council to retrain the amnesiac Dark Lord in the ways of the Jedi. After Revan completed his formal training, he and Bastila were sent to investigate an ancient stone structure. Inside, the two uncovered an ancient artifact known as a Star Map, a relic of the long-forgotten Infinite Empire of the Rakata. Though the Map was not complete, it pointed the way to the worlds of Tatooine, Kashyyyk, Manaan, and Korriban, on which more Star Maps could be found. Only with the combined information of these five worlds, Revan discovered, could the location of a mysterious Rakatan artifact called the "Star Forge" be found.

Revan, Bastila, and their companions journeyed to these worlds, tracing the steps Darth Revan and Darth Malak had taken years before. On each planet, the powerful dark side aura of the Star Maps had created perilous conditions that made access to the Maps difficult. Additionally, the crew of the Ebon Hawk found themselves hunted by Sith and bounty hunters, and confronted with the problems of the local populace at every turn.

After discovering the fourth Star Map (including the one found in the ruins on Dantooine), Revan and his allies were captured by the Sith flagship Leviathan. They managed to escape from their holding cells, but, as they fled toward the Ebon Hawk, Revan was confronted by Darth Malak, who revealed to him his former life as the Dark Lord of the Sith. A vicious lightsaber duel ensued, culminating with Bastila's capture by Malak. Revan was forced to deal with Malak's revelation and his loss of Bastila as the quest for the Star Forge stepped up, until at last it was found in the home system of the ancient Rakata.

After gaining the support of this race, Revan was forced to confront a fallen Bastila. Following weeks of torture at Malak's hands, Bastila had at last given in to her hate, or perhaps despair over her forbidden love for Revan, and had fallen to the dark side. She now claimed to be the Dark Lord's new apprentice. His original apprentice, a former Jedi named Darth Bandon, had previously been slain by Revan during the search for the Star Maps.

Atop an ancient Rakatan temple, Bastila attempted to entice Revan to reclaim his former title of Dark Lord of the Sith. This was the climax of the quest for the Star Forge, and it ended with Revan, once again, making a choice that would change the fate of the galaxy.

Revan's fate

Revan made the choice of a Jedi, rejecting Bastila's temptation. Enraged, Bastila retreated to the Star Forge. Revan and the crew of theEbon Hawk pursued her as an Old Republic fleet commenced an assault of its own.

Aboard the Star Forge, Revan almost single-handedly defeated an entire army of Sith and Dark Jedi, a testament to his power in the Force and mastery of lightsaber combat. Near the end, he faced off against Bastila once again. After defeating her, he succeeded in convincing her to return to the light side by drawing on their love which had formed between them during the course of their quest. Bastila returned to the light and agreed to use her Battle Meditation to aid the Republic Fleet. The Old Republic fleet, now no longer hindered by Bastila's Battle Meditation, continued its bombardment of the Star Forge. Finally, Revan again confronted his old friend and apprentice, Malak, in an epic lightsaber duel. During their duel, Malak continually sucked the life force from Jedi held in stasis to replenish his energies. This, however, was not enough to defeat Revan, as he forcefully released the captive Jedi, allowing them to become one with the Force. At last, Malak was cut down. Before his friend's death, Revan apologized for starting him down the dark path, even though Malak had continued down it willingly. Malak accepted his apology, realizing that he had no one to blame for his fate save himself. Then Darth Malak, Dark Lord of the Sith, died, his life ending in darkness and regret, and the Star Forge was destroyed.

A mere year after the defeat of Malak and the collapse of the Sith Empire, Revan left the Old Republic, having recovered his memories regarding the remnants of the ancient Sith Empire he had discovered as the Dark Lord. Hoping to put an end to the threat it posed before it could attack the weakened Old Republic, Revan bade farewell to the nine comrades who had accompanied him on his quest, knowing that none whom he loved could safely accompany him in the places he had to walk.



Revan in a Jar'Kai stance
Revan in a Jar'Kai stance














Tuesday, June 13, 2006

revan again

ok after revan turned back to the jedi he turned too the dark side again and killed his old apprentice and reclaimed the mantle of dark lord and in the process took a very powerful jedi I have talked about bastilla shan and after he claimed the star forge and afterward killed bastilla because he thought she was too weak and feared his own destruction.

Monday, June 12, 2006


ok now too tell about darth revan ok an old master of the jedi he fell the same way malak did and before his near death dath a jedi called bastilla shan healed him with her control of the force nad used the the force too "reprogram" his mind with a new identity and became a soldier for the republic and later became a jedi once again.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

ok malaks past

ok malaks old self well he started a jedi as most sith do but i will tell you of his journey down the dark path it all started on dantoines most ancient relic when he and his master revan found location of the star forge in there that is when it all began.And i will tell you of revan.

Friday, June 9, 2006

geeeeeezzzzzeeeee loize forget the 51st

ok out with the 51st in with darth malak + inn with the new out with the old ok darth malak is a half invincible sith lord........................ time it is mace windu                                        ok what makes darth malak only half invincible is he draws his powers from the dark side if he had drawn his power from the light side still he would be invincible i will talk of his past